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"Wa! If she bangs into me one more time..."

"Ugh! She stepped on my feet! Doesn't she know how to stand properly?"

"Okok give the half-turn stare. See if she gets it..."

These were the thoughts that went through my mind in the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) while heading home. It doesn't help that I had a terrible day at work and things around just pissed me off further. It was then that I felt the inside of me stirring. "How are you being a Christian if you choose to _____________ (inserts all sorts of revenge technique)?" It was like I could be a Christian anywhere and anytime except in the MRT.

In the mornings when the doors open, it was "diving time" (shoulders up and arms in swimming position to get past the crowd coming outwards). The only thought that went through my head was "I need to get that seat! If not, I got to stand till town!" The moment the seat was secured, it was either time to sleep or to read a book. I realized we seldom look up to see if we could offer our seats up to someone in need probably because we felt that it is our entitlement or maybe it is just a singaporean thing — smartphone addicts ("低头族"). We just can't seem to take our glued eyes off our smartphones!!!

One fateful day I secured a seat and was all snuggled in, got out the book "his undying faithfulness" that my mentor gave me and started reading. "Next station... Tampines", the doors opened and a limping old lady came in. Okay, she wasn't that old nor limping badly la but still the reserved seat person (I am still figuring out whether she is pregnant or fat) didn't offer up her seat. I stood up and offered my seat to her though it meant that I had to stand and read at the same time. I won't deny that I struggled. I could pretend to be asleep or that I had not noticed her. But the voice inside struck me again... "How are you being a Christian if you _____________?" Within seconds, I stood up to offer my seat.

I believe it was the Holy Spirit that made me felt that particular way I did and it wasn't a delayed feeling. It is said in 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?" The Holy Spirit was given to us when Jesus ascended into Heaven and I know that He would continually poke me at times! It would definitely still be a struggle but may the Holy Spirit continue to transform us to be more Christ-like each day. What would make it more challenging would be the fact that people do things like cutting nails in the MRT or even when you offer your seat but did not receive a "thank you" in return. How to be a Christian in the mrt?

"I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13.

Dear Papa,

We are not so worthy as to deserve the Holy Spirit yet it was because of Your unfailing love, grace and mercy towards us, You took the cross and sent Your Holy Spirit to dwell in us which allows us to know You better so we can enjoy abundant life. We thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to guide us and to teach us to discern right from wrong. May each brand new day be a teaching moment and may we continuously grow to be more like You. Show us how we can be the salt and light of this generation even if we are treated as floor mats sometimes and may Your glory be shone through us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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